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the company man

美 [ðə ˈkʌmpəni mæn]英 [ðə ˈkʌmpəni mæn]
  • 网络公司人
the company manthe company man
  1. The company man aged to infiltrate two or three men their rival 's Research and Development Unit .


  2. Tremaine is the company 's front man in Washington .


  3. Both reveal much about the company and the man himself .


  4. Yesterday she was seen in the company of another man .


  5. The company needs a man who knows finance .


  6. The company sent a man to hook up the telephone .


  7. Now he appears after lunch in the company of a man of military aspect with a tan and a recent injury


  8. Question2 . What did the company lack before the man 's scheme was implemented ?


  9. The company of a good man is the light of the soul , an evil man the poison of life .


  10. Yet the company ( and the man ) had their share of missteps and false starts .


  11. There is no other position in the company for which either man is qualified , and neither is old enough to qualify for retirement .


  12. If you investigate people 's attitudes towards sex , morality , leisure time and work , it is getting harder and harder to separate the anti-establishment renegade from the pro-establishment company man .


  13. He is a member of the Porsche family and worked at the company as a young man .


  14. The 21 deaths since 2000 , which were all employees at the company the man worked for , included a " remarkably high number of heart attacks and cancers , " according to police .


  15. But the largest faller in value terms was Nokia , whose chief executive , Stephen Elop , this year told staff the company was like a man on a " burning platform " .
